Friday, January 14, 2011

Chicken with Caramelized Onions on Focaccia

Last night I had one of those, “I have chicken out, now what should I make?” moments. So I decided an experiment was in order. I found a recipe for flat bread, here. Let me just say it is an AMAZING recipe. And SO easy. I’m not even kidding people. From someone that makes bread regularly this really was such a simple recipe. Anyone could do it, don’t let the idea of never making bread before intimidate you. And it’s healthy too! No sugar, and 1 Tbs of butter, which could be substituted with olive oil.

This is the bread after it was baked. I didn’t let it rise the additional 30 min after rolling it out because I wanted it flat.

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While that was baking I sliced my chicken really thin and just cooked it up with some light seasoning. Fried up some bacon and then caramelized the onions in 1 Tbsp. bacon grease. (Just cause the bread is healthy doesn’t mean the whole meal was!)

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I cut the bread into quarters and there you have it! This picture here actually was the sandwich before it was cut into quarters again. I had a half of a quarter and it filled me up! The kids enjoyed theirs open face with no onions.

I finished off the meal with a simple salad and oven roasted potatoes. Yum!

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  1. OK.
    This does it.
    I keep logging onto this blog because I love you.
    And every time I do, I find myself wanting to visit.
    Every. Time.
    My son married a remarkable and gifted woman, and I am honored to call you my daughter-in-law.
    And I still want to come over.
    At dinner time.
    Or breakfast.
    Or lunch.


Hearing from you makes my day!